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Ongoing Impact

We are proud to have visited all 6 of secondary schools in the Iringa diocese of Tanzania. After achieving the goal of reaching all schools, we have begun to pursure the goal of providing as many students as possible with education and tools by visiting non-diocese secondary schools and local women's centers.


August 2024

Izazi Government Secondary School

A summmary of this visit coming soon!

August 2024

Idodi Government Secondary School

A summary of this visit coming soon!

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July 2024
Udzungwa Government Secondary School

During our visit to Uzungwa, our team provided education to 184 students. 107 kits were distributed and 100% of girls in the post-presentation survey reported feeling prepared to manage their period. They also emphasized the positive impact this knowledge will have on their village and communities.

July 2024
Nzihi Parish

In the small town of Nzihi, 19 men and women gathered at their local preaching point to learn about menstrual and sexual reproductive health. 12 kits were given after extensive education on their usage.


June 2024
Malolo Parish

Our summer intern Jenna attended the DfD visit to Malolo this June where 36 kits were donated and 57 community members educated on menstrual, sexual, and reproductive health.

June 2024
Nyamihuu Parish

28 kits were provided to members of the Nyamihuu community and 46 people were in attendance!


May 2024
Ipalamwa Secondary School


52 students participated in DfD's education! Seen pictured are the 30 boys in attendance. They learned about respecting women's health and rights to reduce the stigma around a normal part of life.

May 2024
Lutangilo Diocese Secondary School

72 kits were handed out during our visit to Lutangilo and 131 students were educated. This follow-up from October of 2022 replaced used kits and reinforced the DfD education.


May 2024
Makwema Government Secondary School

290 students were reached at our follow-up trip to Makwema. Of those students, 154 were young women who received a DfD kit!

April 2024
Bomalang'ombe Diocese Secondary School

As a follow-up to our visit last July, DfD revisited Bomala n'gome to provide kits to Form 1 and transfer students. We distributed 36 kits and collected feedback from girls on the benefits and challenges of our curriculum model and kit design.

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April 2024
Idoti Government Secondary School

The follow-up visit at Idoti covered the education of Form 2 students who were unable to receive kits in February. A total of 104 girls and 165 boys engaged with our presenters!


April 2024
Pomerin Diocese Secondary School

On our second visit to Pomerin, the students who were unable to attend the presentation in August of 2023 were provided with kits, totaling 67 new kits. A reinforcement of knowledge was provided to both boys and girls who received the information last year. 

March 2024
Makwema Secondary School

115 kits were distributed at Makwema Secondary School to girls in Form 2 and Form 3. These were the students who hadn’t been educated in DfD’s earlier visit to Makwema this past February.

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March 2024

Nyamahania Parish

27 kits were given out at Nyamahania, we learned a valuable lesson from this visit. Because it was planting season, a significant time for many families to cultivate their plots, only a few guests could attend our presentation. We are happy with the audience we could reach, and hope to go during a less busy time in the future.

February 2024

Idodi Secondary School

A total of 80 kits were given out at this presentation to students in Form 4. We have planned for a follow-up visit in April to distribute kits to other students. A total of 229 boys and girls were presented with the DfD education!

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February 2024
Mkwema Secondary School

Boys and girls of all ages were educated at Mkwema Government Secondary School at the beginning of the month. 112 kits were distributed to participants, and it was reported that all  students were eager to learn about what our team had to share!

January 2024
Image Secondary School

This was the final secondary school Dignity for Daughters had to visit in the Lutheran Diocese! The presentation went great, and 101 kits were distributed. However, only two of the four forms received kits, so there will be more trips in the future.

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December 2023

Matron Seminar

Our teaching staff had the opportunity to host a seminar for matrons in the area. These women are the primary caregivers for most students while they are living at school. We hope that they will spread this education the farthest!

November 2023

Mkulula Parish 

The Mkulula visit went very smoothly! There were two separate educations led by Natihaika, Aida, Anifa and Tuli. Our Director, Juli, and Strategic Planning Leader, Karen were overjoyed to attend.  


November 2023

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Pawaga Parish

The visit to Pawaga Parish was another all-day event! Aida educated a group of parents discussing child maturation and family relations. Tuli presented to the teenage girls (pictured here) while Anifa spoke with the teenage boys and Natihaika was with the children. Afterwards the pastor provided a meal to the entire community. Overall,  27 kits were given away and 11 were sold!

July 2023

Pomerin Secondary School

Our visit to Pommern was the largest secondary school visited to date. Many kits were distributed to students. After hearing our presentation, the school hosted Dignity for Daughters for lunch before they began the journey back to Iringa Town. 

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July 2023

Bomala ng'ombe Secondary School

We were greeted with waving branches and enthusiastic singing at Bomalang'ombe and later watched students proudly perform their school song. The Men Who Know presentation was so engaging that the gathering went over-time with questions and discussion!

July 2023

Ipalamwa Secondary School

Our visit to Ipalamwa was filled with enthusiasm despite the smaller crowd. A total of 46 kits were distributed to students. After hearing our presentation, the Ipalamwa matron requested additional kits for the female staff at the school, reinforcing the need for menstrual products in the region.


May 2023

Mtera Secondary School

In total 156 were distributed at Mtera but unfortunately, the presentation had to be cut short due to the students' testing schedule. We would like to return to complete the education, although the instructors were satisfied with the information they were able to share.

July 2022

Image Secondary School

Image is the second largest secondary school in the diocese, and for this reason we were only able to give kits to Forms 1 and 2. We hope that these will allow the students the longest amount of time to prevent absenteeism while using DfD kits.

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Impact Testimonies

Our Program Coordinator and summer intern had the opportunity to re-visit Mtera Secondary School to speak with students about the impact that Dignity for Daughters kits and education has had on their education.

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